ADSB Info         



ADS-B Glossary

 1090ES: Mode S Extended Squitter Transponder. An ADS-B transceiver operating on one of two FAA-approved datalink frequencies. It operates on 1090 MHz, using a Mode S Extended Squitter transponder (1090ES for short, referring to the ADS-B information appended to the Mode S data). 1090ES is the international standard; in the United States, it is required for operations above 18,000 feet and for Part 135 operations. While the 1090 ES datalink provides traffic information, it does not receive weather data.

ADS-B: Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast. In this core technology behind the FAA’s Next-Generation Air Traffic Control System, a datalink transceiver automatically broadcasts the aircraft’s location and other data at regular intervals. The system doesn’t wait to be interrogated, like a transponder.

SSR: Secondary surveillance radar (SSR)   is a radar system used in air traffic control (ATC), that not only detects and measures the position of aircraft, i.e. bearing and distance, but also requests additional information from the aircraft itself such as its identity and altitude. Unlike primary radar systems that measure the bearing and distance of targets using the detected reflections of radio signals, SSR relies on targets equipped with a radar transponder, that replies to each interrogation signal by transmitting a response containing encoded data. SSR is based on the military identification friend or foe (IFF) technology originally developed during World War II, therefore the two systems are still compatible.

ADS-R: Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Rebroadcast. ADS-B has two datalink systems, and because they use different frequencies, they can’t talk to each other. Enter ADS-R, a ground-based system which relays 978-MHz UAT traffic to 1090-MHz Mode S Extended Squitter traffic, and vice versa. In areas with radar service, information on non-ADS-B aircraft is broadcast to aircraft equipped with ADS-B In.

TIS-B: Traffic Information Service Broadcast. TIS-B is an uplink of radar-identified traffic from ground stations to ADS-B-equipped aircraft. This traffic can be displayed in panel-mounted avionics, or on a tablet or other electronic display, along with ADS-B traffic received directly or via ADS-R.

FIS-B: Fight Information Service-Broadcast. FAA ground stations transmit FIS-B—which includes no-fee weather, temporary flight restrictions, and other data—over the Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) datalink frequency. FIS-B is considered an advisory service and includes METARs and TAFs; Nexrad precipitation maps; airmets, sigmets, and convective sigmets; winds and temperatures aloft; pireps; TFRs; and status of special use airspace.

CDTI: Cockpit Display of Traffic Information. Traffic information received via ADS-B—whether directly, via ADS-R, or through TIS-B—is displayed on a multifunction display (MFD), other panel-mounted avionics, or on an iPad or other portable electronic device.

UAT: Universal Access Transceiver. An ADS-B transceiver operating on one of two FAA-approved datalink frequencies. A UAT operates on 978 MHz (978UAT). Equipment costs generally are lower than for 1090ES, and this frequency can receive free traffic and weather information (the UAT must also support the optional ADS-B In). The United States is the only country using the UAT standard.


2020 Complaint ADS-B Out install in a certified standard class aircraft requires a 337, install is required with an STC.  The Peregrine STC paperwork will be provided with the purchase. Peregrine is Trig's STC development partner in the USA.

The STC in the case of a TT-22 and TN-70 install is not being used as the basis for a major alteration, it's being used only to justify the pairing of the TT22 and TN70 as required by FAA ADS-B installation policy (see this doc:$FILE/AFS-360_2016-03-02.pdf

It is important for A&Ps involved in any work to read that doc and just do the minimum paperwork described in that paper. No more, no less. If they ever start talking about using the STC for a major alteration approval run away. Specifically the answer to the question "After initial approval, can applicable ADS-B OUT systems be installed on aircraft not covered by that approval?" ... is what is being applied here, read it carefully, it talks about using an applicable AML STC... if there is one... here there is not as the AML does not apply to the glider, so OK you use the STC only to justify the pairing provided for in that answer. read it carefully. eg FAA is saying is if there *was* a different AML STC they want you to use that instead, and since there is not... you don't. That answer both explains the policy here and tells the installer all the paperwork bits they have to do in this case.

Under FAA Memo titled “Installation Approval for ADS-B OUT Systems,” the FAA explains that after an STC is achieved for ADS-B OUT equipment, additional installations can be accomplished on aircraft not listed under the AML STC by an A&P with Inspection Authorization (IA) so long as the installation does not require airframe modification. This process requires completion of a two page FAA form known as a 337. We are providing a mostly complete sample Form 337 .  Once the form is completed your installer will mail it into the FAA office in Oklahoma City.  The process is normal for many ADS-B installations and your installer is likely familiar with the process. 

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