- Adjustable height (Min 75cm, Max 90cm)
- Universal fits all profiles adjustable for cord lengths
- Folds easily, extremely small: you can easily put it in the trunk and
there is still some space left for other ground handling equipment.
- Wheel rotates
- Extremely good suspension
- Weight 26.5 lbs
- Easy to add extra weight
- This innovative wing wheel features a wheel that rotates freely about
the vertical axis. This avoids the situation where the wing wheel is not
quite aligned with the direction of travel and scrubs and jumps across on
the ground as the glider is moved. It eliminates bending and twisting
forces on the glider wing. Also having no scrubbing means that the tire
will last longer. The small pneumatic wheel mechanism has a spring
suspension to minimize shock.
Proven on JS1, Arcus,
Duo Discus, Discus 2c, Club Libelle, DG100, DG300, DG800, ASW-27b, ASG 29, ASH 31
ASG 32, Lak 19/17, Ventus b, Ventus bx, Ventus 2b, and VENTUS 3!!! One type fits to all the gliders!