
 Vario Navigation Systems

LX80xx_LX90xx Installation Manual

Testing Vario Pneumatics System

LX80xx_LX90xx User Manual

Free  LXSIM Download   Free   LXStyler Download     How to put your area terrain maps in the LXSim



        Customers ASH 31Mi Panel

Includes V-Series V8/80

V-series variometers are part of the LX 80xx/90xx systems. The new generation consist of an Inertial platform and a graphical needle instead of a mechanical needle (V9), as a result, the response of the variometer is much faster and more accurate.

T series (LX9050T, LX9000T, LX9070T). This series have a Touch screen (which is an option). Available Dec 1, 2018. It will be still possible to order a standard LX90xx series without Touch screen.

Forth Generation LX9050, LX9000, LX9070 can be upgraded to Touch Screen starting Jan1, 2019. If trading in old LX9000 the trade-in with not be supplied with wiring harnesses you will use your present harnesses.


1021021 LX 9070 V8/V80 without Flarm

Options at Add to Cart  (Vario Module, Touch Screen, Hawk Winds, WIFI)

Call to Purchase

1021002 LX 9070D  Repeater Backseat  Wiring, RS485 splitter , vario indicator Call  to Purchase


1021031 LX 9050 V8/V80 without Flarm Call  to Purchase


1041011 LX9050 Club Highest IGC approval, wiring, GPS antenna, SD card, LXNAV V8 vario Club

Call  to Purchase




LX 9000 V8/V80  without Flarm

Options at Add to Cart  (Vario Module, Touch Screen, Hawk Winds, WIFI)



Call  to purchase

In Stock WIFI, Hawk, V8


1021003 LX 9000D  Repeater Backseat  Wiring, RS485 splitter , vario indicator   Call  to Purchase 


1041021 LXNAV WiFi  for LX80xx & 90xx instruments software and dongle  (Key & link to software will be emailed)

Compatibility with the old LX9000 units. There are a few LX9000 units, GEN3 that are not "HF" versions, which means they won't recognize the latest Wi-Fi module (adapter).  ->go to SETUP -> ABOUT ->next to the version is a sign: T20HF  (Not used in new gen units)  WIFI is internal in new units and is an option at ADD to Cart.


Go to About Screen and take a picture look for the HF

If there is no HF, the unit must come back to the LXNAV.  This will cost 1h of work (80€ ex tax) + shipping


Lead Time 4 weeks

1021043 AHRS Attitude Heading Reference System for LX90XX,  LX80XX  Requires V9, V8, V80 Vario Module  
1021024 I80 indicator Module connects to RS485 Bus (this is not a vario just a 80mm indicator)
1021039 I8 57mm indicator Module connects to RS485 Bus (this is not a vario just a 80mm indicator)
LXTouch Upgrade LXTouch  Upgrade for 4th Generation LX9050, LX9070, LX9000 Upgrade
LXTouch LXTouch with purchase of LX9050, LX9000, LX9070  4th Generation  
Hawk Winds LXNAV LX80xx/LX90xx,  LXNAV S10/S100 AHRS/Hawk Winds  License  Click for Information

HAWK has been developed by Heinrich Meyr and Peng Huang and is licensed to LXNAV.

Hawk Setup:

How to improve Accuracy  How to improve accuracy by aligning the sensor and glider Axis

The HAWK option consists of all 3 functions: Variometer, Wind and AHRS


HAWK will run on LX80xx/90xx devices from 4th Generation onwards and V8/V80 vario only.

HAWK will run on LXNAV S10/S100 Standalone Vario devices

The easiest way to check for compatibility with HAWK is to install the latest version of the device firmware and go to Setup->About. 

To enable HAWK you can install the latest firmware  version, which you can find on the LXNAV Firmware page


A request for a HAWK demo option expires in approx 3 months  HAWK Demo request • LXNAV Gliding   

When you purchase you will receive a license file and instruction by email.


License will be emailed




LX 8040

The successor to the original hero of the LX80/90xx series is here. 2021 sees the birth of the next generation of small compact high end navigational instruments and 8040 is spearheading it. It comes packed with a V8 variometer (optionally with V80). A 4.0″ anti-glare display that fits everywhere and an automatic light sensor that adjusts that brightness and optimizes the power consumption.

Includes V-Series V8/80

V-series variometers are part of the LX 80xx/90xx systems. The new generation consist of an Inertial platform and a graphical needle instead of a mechanical needle (V9), as a result, the response of the variometer is much faster and more accurate.

LX8040 LX8040 4 inch display, Highest IGC approval, wiring, GPS antenna, Wi-Fi option, V8 variometer with inertial platform and built-in voice module
LX8040C  LX8040 Club 4 inch display, Highest IGC approval, wiring, GPS antenna, Wi-Fi option, V8 variometer with inertial platform and built-in voice module
SDCARD-READ External SD card reader for LX80x0 series  

1021043 AHRS Attitude Heading Reference System Requires V8 Vario Module

LX 8030

High-end vario navigation system. The ideal instrument for those who would like to keep their instrument panel as it is. The 80mm sized LX8030 comes packaged with a V8 variometer (optionally with V80). The built in 4.0″ anti-glare display fits into a standard 80mm panel hole and has 2.8” active display size. An automatic light sensor adjusts the brightness and optimizes the power consumption.

Includes V-Series V8

V-series variometers are part of the LX 80xx/90xx systems. The new generation consist of an Inertial platform and a graphical needle instead of a mechanical needle (V9), as a result, the response of the variometer is much faster and more accurate.

LX8030 LX8030 4 inch display, Highest IGC approval, wiring, GPS antenna, Wi-Fi option, V8 variometer with inertial platform and built-in voice module



LX8030C LX8030 Club 4 inch display, Highest IGC approval, wiring, GPS antenna, Wi-Fi option, V8 variometer with inertial platform and built-in voice module


SDCARD-READ External SD card reader for LX80x0 series  

1021043 AHRS Attitude Heading Reference System Requires V8 Vario Module


LXNAV remote stick is designed for three different versions. 
  • Standard version
  • Shempp Hirth version with red starter button for M gliders
  • EB28 version with trim switch

Standard remote stick is also designed for different diameters of command handles. 

  • 19.3mm (DG, LAK),
  • 20mm (SH, LS, Stemme, Apis, EB29),
  • 24mm(Schleicher, Pipistrel Taurus, Alisport Silent, EB28)
  • 25,4mm (JS).

Click to see Stick Functions


  • Altitude Heading Reference System

  • Available for the LX9000, LX8080, LX8000, LX8080

Flap position is calculated from:

  • glider's flaps specification table

  • wing loading(ballast)

  • polar and g-force.


Flap Encoder and Standalone Indicator

Flap Encoder


  • extremely accurate
  • very small and light
  • RS 485 bus
  • Plug and play to LX 80/90xx systems
  • Installed already in nearly all modern gliders
  • Standalone Indicator available


1021006 Remote control LX80xx, LX 90xx Stick, Select version at Add to Cart
1021043 AHRS Attitude Heading Reference System Requires V9 Vario Module
1041019 Flap Encoder LX-FlapEnc for LX9000, LX9050, LX9070, LX8000, LX8080
1055041 Flap Encoder Sensor & Indicator Stand alone


LX Styler

Customization tool for LX8000 and LX9000

LXStyler is a customization tool for the LX8000 and LX9000. With it you can modify existing navigational pages or add new navigational pages. It is possible to choose from 80 different data symbols to suit your needs. You can also change the shape and size of an airplane or remove unnecessary elements.

Free   LXStyler Download


Simulator for LX8000 and LX9000 for Windows operating system

LXSim simulator is a fully functional simulator of LX8000 and LX9000, which is working on Windows operating system. You can select and replay any flight stored in IGC file format. Press Ctrl+Enter to enter full screen mode. Click on SD card to insert or remove SD card.
Download from LXNAV site.

Free  LXSIM Download


LX 80xx/90xx

LX8080 LX8000 LX9050 LX9000 LX9070
Vario Navigation Systems Standard One No More Compromises Fits Everywhere The Pilot's Choice Even Bigger
LX 80xx/90xx


LX8080 LX8000 LX9050 LX9000 LX9070
Display 2.8 inch 3.5 inch 5 inch 5.6 inch 7 inch
Brightness 1200 cd 1200 cd 1200 cd 1200 cd 1200 cd
Resolution 320 x 240 px 320 x 240 px 800 x 480 px 640 x 480 px 800 x 480 px
Flarm (Integrated) Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
IGC recorder Included Included Included Included Included
AHRS Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Remote Stick Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Weight 400 g 580 g 515 g 650 g 650 g
Size 81 x 81 x 65 mm 98 x 88 x 115 mm 136 x 83 x 61 mm 113 x 145 x 38 mm 113 x 181 x 38 mm
Power 100% Brightness 260mA 390 mA 480 mA 480mA 480mA
Variometer Included V8 V8 V8 V8 V8
Club/Simple version
Vario inc in Club/Simple ver V9 V9 V9

V-Series   Vario indicators Part of the LX80xx/90xx system

Features V9 V8 V80





LX80xx/90xx system

Upon request

Included Optional


57 mm 57 mm 80 mm
Needle Mechanical Graphical Graphical
Inertial Platform
Dual Pressure Technology
Flarm Warnings
AHRS indication Not Supported
Ambient light Sensors (ALS)
Flarm Radar
Bluetooth External External
Backup Battery
IGC Flight Recorder
Waypoint Task navigation
Airspace indication


LX 80xx/90xx computer 

LXNAV computers for the twenty first century, reliable, accurate and always upgradeable. Aimed at the novice, club and competition pilot.

The software is used across the range of LX 80xx/90xx flight computers as follows: LX 8080 / LX 8000 /

LX 9000 / LX 9050 / LX 9070

The software has the same features supported on all of the devices.

There are also special versions of the software available: Club / Simple

LX8080 / LX8000 / LX9050
  Full Club Simple
V9 Vario Optional
V8 Vario Optional Optional
V80 Vario Optional Optional Optional
IGC approved flight recorder
Built-in GPS
Voice Message
Profile customization with LX Styler
Map (roads, water boies, railways town names)
Flarm Module Optional Optional
AHRS Optional Optional (V9 or V80 required)

    Main Software features are:

  •  7 pages (Airport, Waypoint, Task, Setup, Info, Near, Statistics)
  •   Each page can have any number sub-pages which can be personalized via LX Styler
  •  Configurable display layout (nav boxes, colours, sizes...)
  •   Multilanguage user interface
  •   Sound and voice messages supported
  •   Simple conversion from landscape to portrait and vice versa
  •   Smart power management (low power consumption)
  •   Audio equalizer
  •   Preloaded worldwide terrain, maps, airspaces and airports databases
  •   Free database update (Airspaces, Airports)
  •   Integrated flight recorder (also for JET and FES)
  •   Remote stick control supported
  •   Import and export of TP, TSK and (APT)
  •   PDF reader
  •   Easy firmware update via SD card or USB
  •   Grand prix rules and finish ring supported
  •   JDU and FES monitoring
  •   Custom Map terrain colour scheme (Mountains, Flatland)
  •   Near Mode (easy selection of landable fields)
  •   Position Report (useful for ATC)
  •  Plenty of statistics during and after flight

    Main HW features are:

  •   4 rotary knobs
  •   6/8 push buttons (LX9050, LX8080, LX8000=6)
  •   16 GB storage memory
  •   IGC Flight recorder (not in SIMPLE version)
  •   Internal GPS module
  •   Engine noise level sensor (also for JET and electro engines)
  •   Pressure altitude sensor
  •   Automatic backlight regulation
  •   Plug and play to PowerFlarm
  •   Inertial platform for precise wind/vario/ AHRS calculation (in vario unit)
  •   Dual pressure variometer
  •   SD card and USB for data exchange
  •   6 user inputs (VP, SC, Airbrakes, Gear, Flaps, Water)



    HW options:

  •  Integrated Flarm module (option)
  •   Compass module
  •   FES (electro) control unit
  •   JDU – jet control unit
  •   Flap sensor
  •   Flarm indicator (LED or Colour)
  •   Wi-Fi module
  •   Bridge (Radio and Transponder control)
  •   Remote stick
  •   AHRS

Terrain Side View with glide path and airspaces

Glider range Curve.

Supported CUPX (waypoints with photos)

Radio and 'Transponder operation supported

Flaps indicator

Wind profile during flight also used for final glide calculation


PAN mode with GO-TO function.

Real-time flight optimization according to FAI and OLC rules.


Check list – user configurable.

Speed/Altimeter tape.

Thermal assistant.

Flarm radar, warnings and Flarm objects overlaid over the map with all details

Wi-Fi supported (send an IGC file to an email, real time rain radar, SeeYou Cloud integration, full support for Soaring Spot – download task and upload flight after landing). Weather info during flight (rain radar…).

ICAO map supported.

ICAO map supported.


Assigned area task (AAT) – optimum direction for maximum speed.

Assigned area task (AAT) – accurate time calculation and statistics.

Water dumping – real time measurement.

Pre-loaded polar database.

Easy airspace organization.

FAI Triangle assistant.



Order on line or  Call, Richard   530-905-0062, or email info@craggyaero.com .
Craggy  Aero LLC, 3901 River Court, Hornbrook,  CA 96044
International Shipping by US Postal Service  Express, Priority Mail International or FEDEX      
Many credit cards charge 3% international transaction fees. International Customers can save this expense by paying by EFT or wire transfer.
Please email Craggy Aero the order and we will send you an invoice with the transfer information.